New research reveals shocking statistics about domestic abuse in UK

New research reveals shocking statistics about domestic abuse in the UK and calls on the government to prevent domestic violence shelters from closing.

Researchers said that two-thirds of domestic violence shelters face closure due to government welfare cuts. The housing benefit cap would reduce funding to shelters which is a “matter of life or death for many women and children fleeing abuse,” according to charity organization Women’s Aid.

According to its website, Women’s Aid is a “grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.”

The charity organization found that 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in the UK. Researchers also showed that abuse can affect families, with 1 in 5 children being witnesses to domestic abuse. They also said that a whopping 91 percent of domestic violence victims are women.

Violent, physical, sexual, psychological or…

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