Muslims Demand Taxpayer-Funded “Safe Spaces” Where They Can Express Their Rage

“Possibly the dumbest idea” ever

Paul Joseph Watson
June 8, 2017


A Muslim group in Australia is demanding taxpayer funds be diverted from anti-terrorism programs to create a “safe space” for angry young Muslims to express “inflammatory” comments that they otherwise wouldn’t be allowed to say in public.

The Islamic Council of Victoria wants money for federal counter-terrorism and anti-extremism programs be diverted, “to create refuges where “emotionally overloaded” youths can voice inflammatory comments,” reports Yahoo7 News.

The safe space is needed because if such remarks were made publicly, they would be seen as “inflammatory,” according to the proposal.

Radio host Tom Elliot said the program was “quite possibly the dumbest idea” he had ever heard”.

“What they are effectively saying is they want a tax-payer funded place where they can say things that otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed to say,” Elliot told Sunrise.

Others said the “safe spaces” could be turned into jihadist recruitment centers.

“They would be a hot bed of passing ideas and information along,” said Mal Lees.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson decried the idea as “a load of rubbish”.

“How much more money have we got to put into this to make them feel good about themselves?” she asked.

Hanson is calling for a ban on Muslim immigration from certain countries linked to terrorism, pointing out that Australia is still in a position to save itself given their Muslim population is around 2.4%, significantly less than many European countries.

The Muslim group said their proposal was justified because of the “Islamophobia” they are subjected to. Presumably, they believe that anyone who pushes back against angry Muslims calling for jihad is being ‘Islamophobic’.

This is yet another example of how Muslim leaders are trying to entrench themselves in a…

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