Matthews Leads Fact-Free Gun Control Panel Filled with Churlish Rhetoric

May 19, 2018

Despite the fact that Friday’s alleged gunman in the despicable high school shooting in Santa Fe, TX used his father’s shotgun and .38 caliber revolver, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews shepherded through a discourteous opening panel of Democratic Congressman Joaquín Castro (TX), Moms Demand Action leader Shannon Watts, and Parkland, FL teacher Greg Pittman that showed an inability to grasp facts but rather an ability to hurl insults.

Matthews set the tone in his opening, declaring Santa Fe to be another chapter in “a common story now in America as is the absence of action by the country’s leaders” as there was “intermittent gunfire across the country, [but] political silence here in the Capital.” 

He and Castro briefly sought common ground with pro-Second Amendment supporters by stating the need for parents to be more responsible in storing their firearms so as to keep them away from children, but leave it to Matthews having Watts to get him whipped into a frenzy.

Matthews teed her up by suggesting that “I don’t expect any action” on gun control because America is “a gun-tooting country” where “[w]e live with” the Second Amendment in “the way it’s interpreted by the Supreme Court” even though “I think it’s irresponsible.”

Without any citation, Watts claimed that “[t]here have been 20 mass shootings in the state of Texas since 2009, two just this week and all we’ve seen Greg Abbott do is make it easier for dangerous people to get guns.” In other words, typical classless behavior from a classless person. Search “Shannon Watts” and “Dana Loesch” and you’ll see why.

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This article was posted: Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 5:03 am