Hillary ‘Takes Responsibility’ For Losing To Trump — Immediately Blames Comey And WikiLeaks [VIDEO]

Daily Caller
May 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton continues to try to spin her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Speaking at a Women for Women International event on Tuesday, Clinton claimed to take “personal responsibility” for losing to Trump, and then immediately proceeded to lay that responsibility at the feet of James Comey and “Russian WikiLeaks.”

“I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person who was on the ballot and I am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had. Again I will write all this out for you,” Clinton said, referencing her forthcoming book about the campaign. “But I will say this: I’ve been in a lot of campaigns and I’m very proud of the campaign we ran and I’m very proud of the staff and the volunteers and the people who were out there day after day.

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This article was posted: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 8:33 am

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