Part 1. Introduction to the Series.
This piece introduces my 10-part series on economic sanity and alternative economic systems. Never mind that I am not an economist. Instead, please appreciate that I am not an economist.
Neither is Daniel Kahneman an economist, and he won the Nobel Prize for economics. He is a psychologist like me, but a very different psychologist in at least two respects. Firstly, his specialty is cognitive psychology, mine is organizational psychology. Secondly, I will never win a Nobel Prize.
Neither was Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who ruminated on the matter of economics. Neither was Adam Smith, the putative father of capitalism. He was a moral philosopher. Neither, I am almost certain, are any of the other thinkers profiled in this series.
And that, if I do say so myself, is the beauty of this series and of most any unorthodox treatment of the matter. Economics, any economy, and any economic system such as capitalism are not what orthodox thinkers in general and economists particularly think they are. They are first and foremost human inventions and human actions, and absolutely anything and everything involving humans, ipso facto is at their very core psychological in nature.
And that brings me to my “human equation” for explaining anything involving humans. If you have read certain of my writings, you may be tired of reading it again, but I must mention it again without too much elaboration. The right side of the…