Do You Hit the Wall at 2:22 PM?

The time at which most workers ‘hit the wall’ has now been pinpointed – to 2.22pm exactly.

A survey of 2,000 workers has been able to specify exactly when the post-lunch slump kicks in, triggering a lull in concentration and a lack of productivity.

The study found that a lot of workers find themselves in this position up to three times a week.

The most common reasons for the mid-day slump is attributed to a warm working environment, not enough sleep and the sheer volume of workloads.

Dehydration and eating too much at lunchtime were also found to contribute to British workers ‘hitting the wall’ in the afternoon.

And it seems the slump can often be office-wide as more than three-quarters of workers notice their colleagues have crashed at around the same time as they have.

Three in 10 people have been caught avoiding their workload and a quarter of those have even landed themselves in trouble with the boss because of it.

The most common result of a worker hitting the wall is  sending an email to the wrong person.

Others have told of drifting off in meetings only to come round and not know what anyone around them is talking about.

Struggling workers have called colleagues by the wrong name, made mistakes on important documents and even taken their phone off the hook so they don’t have to speak to anyone.

It is easy to spot a co-worker lacking in productivity and concentration due to their emails. They will often be littered with errors and spelling mistakes – they’ll probably have even forgotten about a meeting they were supposed to attend.

On average, workers will set their alarm for 6.43am and go to bed at 10.29pm every workday night, so they get a decent amount of time in bed.

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But despite this, a third of office workers will wake up wishing it was Saturday or will feel sleep deprived and only one in 10 will actually feel ‘ready to go’ when their alarm wakes them up in the morning.

This has led to many workers beginning to think of ways in which they can avoid the post-lunch slump and be more productive at their desks.

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