Creators of ‘Russian Meddling’

Russia, Russia, RUSSIA!! The very name of that land strikes fear in the hearts of Americans everywhere. Or at least so thinks the American Democrat Party and a cyber security company known as New Knowledge. They tried the Russian Meddling ploy with President Trump, and then apparently they tried it again with the special Senate race in Alabama which featured the conservative, gun-toting Judge Roy Moore, who was brought up in the court of public opinion on sexual assault allegations that were decades old, and hounded on these allegations until he lost the Senate election.

Then, of course, he dropped off the radar, as did his accusers. New Knowledge was used to make this happen.

Their knowledge is very new indeed, as they apparently are able to make up things if they do not have real stories.

Fox News published a piece noting that New Knowledge was one of the two companies who reported on so-called Russian activity during the 2016 presidential election. The company was responsible for statements like this:

“The scale was massive,” New Knowledge researchers wrote of Russian disinformation, with the alleged campaign “reaching 126 million people on Facebook, posting 10.4 million tweets on Twitter, uploading 1,000+ videos to YouTube, and reaching over 20 million users on Instagram.”

And of course, such a report was impressive enough to get this response tweet from a (you guessed it) a Democrat Senator who is the top Dem on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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