Civil and Human Rights Coalition Lauds Puzder’s Withdrawal, Calls for Nomination of Workers’ Advocate

WASHINGTON – Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement following the announcement that Andrew Puzder has withdrawn himself for consideration as U.S. Secretary of Labor:

“While we welcome the news that Andrew Puzder will not be our next Secretary of Labor, it is incumbent upon the President to nominate someone who will fully respect the laws designed to protect American workers.  The record clearly showed that Puzder was not the right person for this critically important job.

Workers in America deserve a Secretary of Labor who will work to improve their economic opportunities, advocate for raising the minimum wage, respect the right of workers to organize collectively, strengthen economic and retirement security, improve overtime protections, and vigorously enforce non-discrimination protections and the Fair Labor Standards Act. 

The next Secretary of Labor must honor the legacy of Frances Perkins and fully enforce the laws and regulations that safeguard workers.  Whomever is nominated must be an advocate for workers and not a lapdog for corporate interests.”

Note: Earlier today, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights urged the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to reject the nomination of Andrew Puzder for U.S. Secretary of Labor, calling him “unfit” for the position.  The letter is linked here.


Via Common Dreams. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.