Chilling: Dem Party Leader Says There’s No Escape

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This is chilling.

On a page labeled “Democratic Party Leaders” of California, a David Atkins can be found.

He just posted this on Twitter:


Here’s the savagery of politics. In a polity containing people with irreconcilable worldviews, the humane approach would be to let them go their separate ways.

Not David Atkins.

Humane, live-and-let-live solutions have not ever — ever — been part of the leftist playbook.

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You will conform to our model, or you will be marginalized, humiliated, destroyed, or worse.

There is a reason leftists are not known for their support of local self-government, except on rare occasions and for obviously opportunistic reasons. Local units are backward and inefficient, and potential roadblocks in the way of the enforcement of leftist norms everywhere, with other ways of life mercilessly steamrolled.

This is all in the name of “tolerance,” of course, but since the real definition of tolerance involves how we treat people we disagree with, you get the idea of how tolerant these people are.

Meanwhile, David Atkins thinks right-wingers have been in charge of America for the past 40 years.

Here we see another trait common among leftists: self-delusion beyond measure. If right-wingers have been setting the agenda, why have they lost — badly — on every major social and economic issue?

Atkins thinks conservatives are “racists,” but virtually all of them have adopted the left’s rhetoric and arguments on virtually every issue involving race.

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