BuzzFeed gets free biology lesson after promoting bra for big-boobed…‘PEOPLE’?! — RT US News

A BuzzFeed article pimping out a bra designed to provide much-needed relief to “big-breasted people” has been barraged with insensitive comments pointing out that bras are actually worn by a special type of people called “women.”

“Hundreds of big-breasted people swear they wear this bra literally every day,” reads the headline of the BuzzFeed sponsored content (sorry, “article”). Yes, Literally!

Homo sapiens on the World Wide Web responded with jubilation at the news that after hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution, there was finally a bra comfortable for big-boobed… people.

“It’s the best bra that peoplekind has ever invented!” one gender-neutral netizen gushed.

Others, however, rudely suggested that bras are worn by a specific category of people, sometimes referred to as “women.”

But what was BuzzFeed’s motive for billing a women’s garment as an androgynous mammary holder? Even the Amazon page which the animated-GIF filled BuzzFeed ad linked to clearly lists the item as a “women’s” bra. Twitter has theories.

“Buzzfeed can’t call them ‘big-breasted women’ apparently, for fear of being called transphobic,” wrote InstaPundit.

The curious word choice prompted other pressing questions to bubble to the surface: Why do people – both with and without bras – continue to read BuzzFeed?

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Via RT. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.