There’s no rulebook for what people find appealing in a partner. Everyone has their own taste, but over the years, scientific studies have suggested certain traits are more desirable than others. And it’s not just the types of traits we’d expect—fit bodies and a perfect smile aren’t the only things people find attractive in their partners. Here are eight traits people find attractive, according to science.
According to one study, women are more attracted to partners with a good sense of humor. One researcher theorizes that this has to do with a sense of humor being an indication of higher intelligence. Since these are inheritable traits, women may be genetically predisposed to seek these qualities out and pass them on to their offspring. The same study indicated that while men list a sense of humor as important, they don’t see funnier people as more desirable overall.
According to one study, women with high-pitched voices give off the impression of youth and even appear thinner to men, increasing their attraction to them. The same study also showed that men with a deeper voice appeared more masculine and attractive to women, with the women associating those baritone vocals with higher testosterone.
We’ve all heard anecdotes that people with pets seem more attractive than those without, but one study sought to find proof. In the study, a subject was asked to approach 240 women and ask for their number—but half the time he would be accompanied by a dog, and half the time he’d be alone. When he was with the dog, he got three times as many numbers as he did without it. This is just one of many, many studies and surveys connecting pet ownership with attractiveness, so you might want to thank Fido with an extra…