Police Using Tasers to Subdue 11 Year Old Children

Neil Foster
RINF Alternative News

If a police officer can’t restrain 11 year old children, should they really be police officers?

I remember the days of old, back in the early 1970’s, when I was a young freckle faced, ginger haired young scallywag playing football in the street and being chased off by the local bobby, who, if he caught you, would give you a gentle tug of the ear and possibly a soft kick up the backside for causing him the grief of running you down.

These days playing football in the street may be seen as a far more dangerous pastime with the risk of a kick up the backside being a rather more tolerable result than what has, it seems, become quite common practice for our street wise and obviously heavily threatened police officers.


It appears that even children of 11 years of age have now become the targets of police officers armed with cattle prods on wires called tasers emitting a 50,000 volt shock to its unfortunate recipients.

When police officers feel the need to resort to this type of behavior to control a rowdy 11 year old then one has to question, either the size and strength of the average 11 year old child, or the quality and tact of the average police officer.

The use of such barbaric methods is totally unjustified on children or indeed young adults by those in a position of power, namely police officers, when their duty is to keep the peace and to use force only proportionate to the situation faced.

The question must therefore be asked as to what justifies using a weapon, such as a taser, on an 11 year-old child. Surely police officers should be more than capable of dealing with children and young adults, regardless of the situation, without resorting to such violent and dangerous technological weaponry. Is their training at fault?

If they are not capable of this task then why are such people ‘trained’ as police officers at all?

It should be noted that there have been many cases in the UK and US where the use of tasers had led to fatalities yet an unnamed Home Office spokesperson stated that the chances of serious injury, including fatality, was low.


There are many examples of articles from every country where these electric cattle prods have been used on adults causing fatalities, so to suggest that it’s safe to use these on preteen children and young adults safely, is quite frankly, totally absurd.

It wasn’t so long ago that we were being told that such weaponry was safe.

Reprinted with permission from CPG