Stephen Lendman
RINF Alternative News
Managed news misinformation substitutes for truth and full disclosure. Big Lies persist with disturbing regularity.
It’s been this way for 35 years. Washington tolerates no independent governments. Nor does Israel, its Lobby and other supportive organizations.
They want pro-Western vassal states worldwide. They want sovereign independence destroyed.
They want unchallenged control. They want monied interests served. They want ordinary people exploited.
The second Tehran New Horizon Conference was held from September 29 – October 1. Participants included academics, writers, authors and journalists.
They came from numerous countries. Middle East issues were discussed. Ongoing events explained why.
Participants dispelled Western propaganda. It’s unrelenting. It features Big Lies.
Hard truths readers and viewers most need to know are buried. It’s longstanding scoundrel media policy.
The American Jewish Committee is one of the oldest advocacy organizations of its kind in America.
The New York Times calls it “the dean of American Jewish organizations.” It’s notoriously anti-Iranian.
On October 2, it headlined “AJC: Iran Conference Promotes Hatred of Jews, Israel.” It turned truth on its head saying so.
Press TV explained. It said the purpose of Tehran’s New Horizon Conference was “to unveil the secrets behind the dominance of the Zionist lobby over US and EU politics.”
It “showcased films at the festival represented Islamic resistance against the Zionist regime, war threats against Iran and anti-war movements, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Iranophobia and Islamophobia, a world without Zionism, and (one) without terrorism and atomic weapons.”
It provided a platform for independent observers. It let them express their views freely and openly.
Polar opposite what goes on in America. Freedom is increasingly threatened. Democracy is pure fantasy.
Fundamental rights are eroding in plain sight. Police state lawlessness persists. Monied interests alone benefit.
Permanent war is official policy. Iran’s governance shames America’s. AJC Executive Director David Harris lied, saying:
New Horizons Conference “is proof-positive that the government of Iran has not mitigated its deeply entrenched hostility towards Jews and the State of Israel.”
“Iran, even under the supposedly moderate President Rouhani, remains intent on achieving the capacity to build nuclear weapons, actively supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations, and promoting venomous hatred of Jews.”
Fact: Sixteen US intelligence agencies annually say no Iranian nuclear weapons program exists.
Fact: No evidence suggests one.
Fact: None exists.
Fact: Hamas is no terrorist organization.
Fact: Nor is Hezbollah.
Fact: They’re democratically elected Palestinian and Lebanese government representatives respectively.
Fact: So-called “venomous” Jew-hating doesn’t exist.
Fact: Nor are threats made about wanting Israel destroyed.
Washington Post editorial policy fell from grace long ago. Credibility no longer exists. Watergate-type exposes are verboten.
Editorial policy fronts for power. Extreme hawkishness defines it. New owner Jeff Bezos has CIA ties. He’s in bed with the devil.
He was bought. Paid off. He got a $600 million CIA contract.
It’s double what he paid for WaPo. At the time, he said: “We look forward to a successful relationship with the CIA.”
Perhaps it involves much more than meets the eye. He expects lots more business. For sure CIA officials want plenty back besides Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Bezos’ disturbing history curries favor with national security officials. After WikiLeaks published State Department cables, AWS removed them.
WaPo should explain Bezos’ CIA connection. Readers should know its editorial policy is biased.
It’s propaganda. It turns truth on its head. It’s corrupted. It’s illegitimate. It’s bought and paid for.
WaPo is a CIA house organ. It regurgitates official policy. It’s militantly anti-Iranian.
It commented on New Horizon headlining “Obama clueless on Iran once again.” International “Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites (met) in Tehran.”
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) demagoguery, hate-mongering and Islamophobia are longstanding.
Its claims about promoting human rights ring hollow. It eschews them altogether.
It supports Israeli genocidal high crimes against peace. It does so unapologetically.
WaPo quoted ADL calling New Horizon participants “an international assortment of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites.”
It’s “part of (Iran’s) 13th International Resistance Film Festival.
Last year, the conference’s cancellation was attributed to the ‘more moderate’ tone of the new government of President Hassan Rouhani.”
According to ADL national director Abe Foxman, “(T)his conference provides yet another example of how the Iranian government facilitates the spread of global anti-Semitism.”
“Participation by an international assortment of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites is de rigueur for these types of events.”
“A disturbing new element in this anti-Jewish gathering is the appearance on the guest list of a few high visibility US antiwar and anti-Israel activists who claim their positions are not motivated by anti-Semitism.”
“It will be harder for them to make that claim now, given their open collusion with this event and its Iranian government sponsors.”
Republican extremist Mark Kirk is Illinois’s junior senator. His views are over-the-top and then some.
He’s in lockstep with imperial lawlessness. He wants war on Iran. According to National Iranian American Council (NIAC) founder Trita Parsi:
He wants what he won’t admit publicly. Only privately. Parsi wants lawless sanctions removed. Kirk wants more piled on.
He wants the Islamic Republic destroyed. He wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it.
WaPo quoted him saying:
“The so-called “New Horizon’ conference in Tehran proves why the current Iranian regime under President Hassan Rouhani is, at its core, no less extremist and dangerous than the regime under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.”
“The conference’s participants promoted anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, and were even greeted on day one by high-ranking Iranian cleric Mohsen Ghomi, a close advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who falsely alleged that ‘American officials are puppets of the Zionist lobby.’ ”
“It’s critical that US Administration officials, who are desperately offering ever more dangerous nuclear concessions to get Iran to accept a watered-down nuclear deal, open their eyes to the true nature of the current Iranian regime.”
WaPo and other media scoundrels publish this type rubbish regularly. With disturbing regularity. They betray their readers in the process.
The Jerusalem Post is a notorious right-wing Israeli publication. According to a former reporter:
Its “problem is that politics enters news coverage, choice of stories, language, often in ways they might not even begin to realize.”
Much of its reporting is irresponsible. Its partisanship at times is way over-the-top. Israeli broadsheets are considered the most effective way to preach partisan politics.
According to one Israeli writer, “to make sure the party’s followers (get) ‘correct’ educational guidance.”
JP called New Horizon “a hatefest.” It turned truth on its head saying so. It supports Israel’s worst crimes. It considers its genocidal high crimes against peace self-defense.
It calls legitimate Palestinian self-defense terrorism. Its mindless of Gazan suffering. It buries vital truths. It ignores what readers most need to know.
Western New Horizon reporting made yellow journalism look good by comparison. Independent sources explained things right.
Iran wants freedom to live in peace. Sovereign states deserve it and much more.
America and Israel want imperial dominance. No two nations throughout history devoted so much firepower to mass slaughter and destruction.
None over a longer duration. None cause more human misery.
Saving humanity depends on stopping them before it’s too late. World peace hangs by a thread.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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