The European Association for bio-industries, EuropaBio, wants you to believe that “GM crops can protect soils from erosion through less ploughing, conserving soil moisture, too. GM herbicide tolerant crops reduce the need to plough fields in preparation for planting crops. This saves fuel because less tilling is necessary. GM insect resistant crops require less treatments with insecticides, which also decreases the need for tractor use.” But these statements are completely false.
This is essentially the requisite lie told by all of biotech — including:
- Monsanto —Known for creating orhelping to create 13 highly carcinogenic and toxic productsincludingsaccharin,PCBs, Polystyrene, DDT, the atom bomb, nuclear weapons, dioxin, Agent Orange, Petroleum based fertilizers, Round Up, rGBH, aspartame, GMOs, and terminator seeds. Monsanto sues everyone to keep dealing their dirty products, but the most recent suit, involvingDustin Barca, a surfer-turned mixed martial arts fighter in Hawaii is of special note. He is taking it personally that Monsanto poisons him, andbringing activism to a new level.
- Dow Chemical Company (also Union Carbide) —Thiswonderful companyhelped toreleased methyl isocyanate and other chemicals in 1984 by their pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, causing one of the worst industrial disasters in history. They are also one of thefive corporationscompletely dominating the seed market, making food sovereignty precarious for farmers and families around the world. Along with three other companies they also helped to create Dibromochloropropane (DBCP), a known carcinogen, reproductive toxin, and endocrine disruptor that contaminates ground water.They continued to produce and sell DBCP even after it was banned due to strong evidence linking the chemical to sterility.
- Syngenta —Known forsuing Kaui’i Countywhen they wanted to keep herbicide and pesticide spraying away from their school children, homes and hospitals, and also for covering up thetrue toxicity of Atrazine. This company has also been implicated with colony collapse disorder, killing off our bees, and other important pollinators.
- Bayer —This company is especially fond of selling you and your children ‘vitamins’ full of toxic GMOs, aspartame, and carcinogenic chemicals, yet they call themselves ‘pediatricians number one choice.’ They have also been accused ofcoating 90 percent of their GMO corn seeds with bee-decimating pesticides, and they are in development for anew GM soybean that is highly toxic.
- Dupont Pioneer —This ‘trustworthy’ company had a market monopoly on gunpowder during the US Civil War,has developed nuclear weapons, and created Agent Orange, PCBs, and DDT, just like Monsanto.