The sordid sequence of events that opened the floodgates for the genetic takeover of the American food supply – that is, the mass introduction of untested genetically-engineered (GE) food ingredients on the sly – is outlined in an eye-opening new book by American public interest lawyer Steve Druker, entitled Altered Genes, Twisted Truth.
Drudging up several decades’ worth of historical facts surrounding genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and the way biotechnology companies got them onto the market without proper testing, Druker tells the true story about “Frankenfood” that you’ll never hear about on any of the major corporate new networks. From the very beginning, GMOs came to be a thing not because they are superior or safe, but because powerful interests got them there illicitly.
In the book’s foreword, award-winning humanitarian and leading primate expert Dr. Jane Goodall lauds Druker for bringing to light a number of important truths about GMOs, including that they have never undergone appropriate safety testing; have never been shown to be safe for human consumption; and were not even approved in accordance with federal law.
GMOs are illegal: Their secret introduction into the food supply was an illicit con from the very start
When they were first being developed back in the early 1980s, GMOs were hailed as the solution to world hunger. Their proponents argued, and still do, that conventional and organic food crops are inferior, and that GMOs address the problems of drought and pestilence that lead to reduced yields, and in some cases food shortages.
But the science behind these claims is lacking, and many scientists and researchers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who were tasked with reviewing GMO safety and effectiveness prior to their commercial approval vocalized this. As explained in Druker’s book, the concerns of these FDA scientists were largely ignored, and GMOs were rammed through the system illegally.
“[I]nformation that Druker pried from the agency’s files through a lawsuit revealed that [the agency] apparently ignored (and covered up) the concerns of its own scientists and then violated a federal statute and its own regulations by permitting GE foods to be marketed without any testing whatsoever,” writes Dr. Goodall.