Get active or become radioactive‏

Here is a printable flyer for a DU conference to be held Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in New York.

Link to full size image is here


Contact: International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
Telephone: +44 (0)161 273 8293 / 8283
Tara Thornton:; (207) 268-2108;


NEW YORK, New York – A coalition of environmental, anti-nuclear and environmental organizations will conduct a conference in New York City, at the UN Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, 8th Floor; October 2nd and 3rd, to confront the proliferation of so-called “depleted” uranium (DU) weapons, and to consider steps towards their abolition.

Registration for the conference: “Uranium Weapons: Contributing to a Dangerous World,” costs $25 via Paypal ( Same day registration at the door is encouraged. Pre-register at:

To register in the U.S. contact: Tara Thornton: (207) 268-2108.

The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, based in Manchester, England, will bring together scientists, combat veterans, legal scholars and community activists to discus the toxic and radioactive hazards of uranium munitions – hazards posed to troops, to civilians in target areas and to environmental health — and a campaign to see the poisoned weapons banned internationally.

Sessions set for Tues., Oct. 2 include: An introductory “Overview” of the global anti-DU campaign; “DU and the Law;” and “The Contaminated and the Contaminators.”

Wednesday, Oct. 3: “Science and DU” (DNA Damage, Health Effects, Civilian and Military Victims); and “Steps Toward Eliminating DU Weapons.”

Some key presenters — who are available for interviews – include: * Toronto epidemiologist, Rosalie Bertell, PhD, ( ; 215-968-4236) * Dr. David Carpenter, MD, Institute for Health & the Environment, Univ. at Albany, SUNY (; 518-525-2660) * Professor Manfred Mohr, of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (+49+173+576 84 10; * Staff Sergeant Herbert Reed (Ret.), U.S. Iraq war veteran (Reed * Els de Groen, a Member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, and will unveil a new book, “The Human Cost of Uranium Weapons.”(Contact: +32 (0) 2 284 5480;

Uranium weapons are armor-piercing munitions made of waste uranium-238, an extremely hard metal left in great quantities from the production of reactor fuel and nuclear weapons.

The United States and Britain used uranium weapons extensively in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the NATO bombing of Bosnia in 1995, its 1999 intervention in Kosovo, the ongoing bombardment of Afghanistan and during the 2003 attack on Iraq.

When the uranium shells smash and burn through hard targets, they turn to fine powder which can be spread long distances by the wind. If ingested or inhaled the toxic, radioactive character of the uranium-238 can cause cancer, kidney disease and a host of nervous system and immune system disorders. — end —

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