6 Immediate Health Benefits Of Not Believing Mainstream Media

Truth seekers who long ago figured out that mainstream media is all lies and staged news coordinated by central intelligence (CIA) to manipulate the opinion of the masses, know that living a life free of mainstream media news is extremely fulfilling if not downright fun.

Many of us are used to the idea that no mainstream media in our lives means a better life. But how many of us have considered the details of why this is true? The benefits of living in a life where you do not believe mainstream media news are profound. Positive factors carry deep into our lives in ways many of us don’t realize or have ever taken time to consider. Many of us have taken these benefits, which all lead back to health, for granted for so long that we don’t even know they are there.

So let’s consider some of these benefits in no particular order:

1- More in touch with yourself

When you disconnect yourself from the 24/7 lies that mainstream media has become, especially since the legalization of propaganda which was implemented in the United States by an amendment to the 2012 NDAA, you will notice you will became a bit more aware of yourself than you were before. By virtue of not having a pundit on a TV screen representing the same tiny group of super giant mainstream media corporations telling you what you are supposed to believe, you will automatically start thinking more on your own and thus increase you own self awareness.

When the human brain is not told what to do, it will automatically think independently. In other words, for the average person not pathologically infected with mainstream media mind-control poison every day, this means returning your brain back to normal. Remember, humans were never meant to sit in front of a cathode ray tube flickering at their brains at high rate while a voice tells you every single day what it is you are supposed to think.

This ‘return to normal’ should not be underestimated. “Normal” is a big deal and it is normal to be in touch with your own thoughts, intuition and interpersonal analysis of the world around you without a weird electronic, bright, flickering machine telling you what to think.

The health benefits of being more in touch with yourself are clear to see. People who are more in touch with themselves are in touch with their feelings and emotions and thus able to function more effectively as humans. Interacting more effectively with others and being more honest with your own thoughts, feelings and emotions then leads to greater relationship and an overall richer more fulfilling life.

2- Increased self-confidence

By shutting off mainstream media you will get back many things. One of those factors is self-confidence. You may be thinking, how can this be? Actually, when you consider how mainstream media political news drains your emotions with engineered fear then you may begin to see how cutting it off may increase self-confidence.

Every single day mainstream media believers are subjected to political psyops, scaremongering, staged shootings, scary police stories or staged terror. All of it presented as reality to those who actually believe mainstream media news. Thus, without realizing it, their sense of self-reliability, the sense of trust in their own ability to protect themselves and thus their sense of self-confidence slowly goes out the window. Not to mention all the stories mainstream media presents showing their brainwashed audience arrest stories, debt collection, new laws about government fines etc. From beginning to end, the mainstream media news is designed to strip you of your sense of self-reliability and self-confidence so that you will put your confidence in government and police.

3- Save vast amount of mental energy

Mainstream media lies come at their victims on a daily bases, 24/7. With psyops and government lies being scripted every day now, it doesn’t take a mathematician to calculate that this is a lot of information. Information is now being processed every day by central intelligence, all of it designed to control what you think. Most truth seekers don’t realize that disinformation, mass mind control, propaganda and mass cognitive infiltration is a full time process.

As I’ve mentioned before, humanity as a whole understands the concept of being lied to. However, humanity is not really designed to cognitively wrap its head around the concept of being lied to 24/7. When we think of someone lying to us, we think of lying as a singular event. Generally, we wouldn’t keep someone around in our lives that knowingly lied about everything every single day. The species dislikes or is intolerant of the concept of being lied to knowingly. For this reason many people simply choose to not believe that mainstream media and thus government would lie to us every single day (cognitive dissonance). They would rather just deny this is happening to keep things (mentally) easier and more stable. So if things are mentally easier believing mainstream media, then how can we save mental energy by not believing mainstream media news?

Although brainwashed mainstream media watchers seek to make things easier by ignoring the reality outside of mainstream media news, I believe this only backfires on them. You can try to deliberately forget or ignore mainstream media news thinking you’ll deal with this news later if you have time, but the reality is that you are filing and circulating these stories somewhere in your head. How do I know this? The stories put out by media which are scripted by CIA are actually intended to appeal to your lower brain functions of fear, helplessness and despair. This unforgettable sense of helplessness, fear and despair only builds up deep in your mind as you worry about the next story and the next, and the next. All of this requires mental energy to process. The problem is that you will be burning mental energy on things that are not even true thus blocking the energy that you could put into something else (like doing real research and verifying their claims).

Doing your own research on a topic, while it also uses up mental energy, is energy well spent because it has direction and purpose. Blindly believing mainstream media news on the other hand, leaves one with directionless, wasteful scaremongering energy being thrown around in your head. All of this deleterious to your mental health. Consolidating this thought process for other (purposeful, non-propaganda) issues is inevitably good for your brain and your mental well being. Remember, you are what you fill your brain with. No one would go to see the same magician do the same tricks every day of their life. After a while it would be considered a waste of time and (mental) energy. It’s the same with mainstream media news.

Freeing up this mental activity for more purposeful ones will of course contribute to your quality of life, mental health, good sleep, and thought process such as memory and creativity.

4- Decreased stress levels

Without saying it, it is obvious that if all mainstream media does is pump out one psyop scaremongering story after another, then not believing mainstream media would (as with overall mental energy discussed above) instantly relieve you of this stress. Yes, it is also stressful to realize how much mainstream media lies every day. However, as truth seekers we have a different paradigm we live by. One by which we don’t look to government and police to solve our problems. Instead we realize government and police is the problem. As truth seekers we tend to channel the stress of seeing mainstream media-government lies pile on and on, and we tend to be on the lookout for new solutions. As truth seeking non-mainstream media believers we tend to see through the scaremongering story (less stressful) and use healthy stress to create solutions which begin by simply exposing mainstream media news. As all truth seekers know, exposing mainstream media lies and sharing articles, videos and links, comes with a feeling of deep accomplishment and gratitude which mainstream media believers are not even capable of understanding.

At the very least stress is channeled from one of helplessness (e.g. ISIS is coming, be afraid) to one of hope (e.g. ISIS is a psyop, let’s keep exposing it and wake everyone up thus ultimately exposing and ending the ISIS operation). The stress surrounding a sense of hopelessness where one thinks their only sense of safety depends on government and police, is not natural and is not a stressful state of mind that humans were designed to live under. Thus freeing oneself from mainstream media news instantly relieves this engineered perception that leaves the average person fearful and hopeless. The fear and hopelessness directly leads to stress. Stress has been directly linked to many diseases including cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, premature death and other diseases.

5- Improved relationships

With the benefits of being more in touch with yourself, increased confidence, conservation of important mental energy and lowered stress levels in your life, it is no surprise that dropping mainstream media (mental junk food) news from your life and your mind can and will naturally improve all your relationships. Those around you will naturally notice that you are thinking clearer, are more aware, and have a more focused interest in things that are important and awareness of what they are saying.

I believe the human mind is purified and given a full tune-up when you remove CIA lies from it. The magnitude of what this effect can have on the human brain is highly underestimated. As someone that dropped mainstream media news years ago, I can honestly say I’ve become a much more genuine person unaffected by day to day propaganda. People will notice a more steadiness to your personality and that reflects on your character and trustworthiness. Consistency in life is important and when your paradigm is consistent and not subject to spontaneous day to day government psyops, that will reflect in your personal relationships.

Some may be thinking, what? My relationship got worse since I became a truth seeker. If so, that’s because those around you are still asleep in the matrix. Many of us have family and friends who are not ready to wake up to the truth and yes, that can be a relationship killer. However, truth really does bring people together. The reason those around are against you now that you seek truth is because you ruin their paradigms with the words you speak.

For those who have people around them that are free of mainstream media news, you know the relationship benefits firsthand. Ultimately, all of us will surround ourselves with those who connect with us and understand our paths. For those who have been awakened for long and exercise wisdom, you know how much better your relationships can be even in scenarios where those around you are still asleep. So if you are still struggling with this, give it time.

For everyone else, for those looking to date, you probably know that common fundamental beliefs in a relationship will make or break your relationship. Find that partner that understands the basics of our current information war and you’ll find a very fulfilling relationship. One that is far more meaningful than any relationship in mainstream media believing world where government literally controls the emotions of tomorrow which can and will impact your relationship.

6- Cognitive protection against next psyop

Finally, isn’t it a nice feeling knowing that tomorrow’s psyop will not effect you the way it will effect everyone else? Personally, I love the sense of power this foreknowledge gives me. It’s a gift most of us ignore. Yes, knowledge is a gift and with this power of knowledge comes wisdom. In the world we live in today, virtues like knowledge and wisdom are reduced to non-existent. CIA doesn’t want you to obtain knowledge and they certainly don’t want you to understand what true wisdom is. Nevertheless these virtues are very real and verypowerful gifts that we should all share because they are some of the key factors that give us the assurance and mental protection we need for tomorrow.

Because of the knowledge we share we can reach that point where we hear about the next terror attack or shooting and know almost as the news transpires that it’s likely another false flag. If you are still worried about being called a “conspiracy theorist” then you may still be under their spell. Yes, absolutely it is still a good idea to let stories evolve and wait for the facts before making a judgment. But those that are completely awakened know the patterns, the oddities and the signs of these false flags. Sometimes its not absolutely necessary to know exactly what happened. We know that either way the control system will spin a story within seconds to their benefit. We also know that for the most part, only stories that they’ve “approved” make it to the headlines to begin with. These factors all contribute to the protective effect we get from not believing mainstream media news. This protective effect comes with a sense of calmness in the middle of panic, level-headedness in the process of “breaking news”, and a sense of even-keel in the 24/7 media staged circus. All of this is extremely beneficial to your mental heath.

If you get nothing else out of this article, try to understand and appreciate the power and the wonder of being truly free from CIA mainstream media scripted and focused lies designed as mind control to keep the controllers in power. Step back and see this greater picture and you’ll understand more clearly and appreciate the overall message in this article.

Living in a state of freedom from mass mind control is very much a big deal. As I’ve written in the past, the power of watching false flags in real time is a rush only humble and honest truth seekers can understand. This should serve as a reminder that life is a big game with many big ideas and many big concepts all in motion at once all around us. This singular concept of 24/7 government controlled information being fed to the masses, in my opinion, is the key to unlocking all of humanities answers, solutions, and problems. That’s right, all of them. I honestly believe getting humanity focused on the information war is the answer to all of our problems. Together we can and will out-think any and all government agencies and find ways to out-think and dismantle all of their psychological operations orchestrated against humanity. Just knowing that this possibility exists should be enough to induce all of these reassuring health benefits in all of our personal lives. Can you acknowledge and recognize these health benefits in your life?

Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.