Eric Zuesse
RINF Alternative News
The Ukrainian leadership has resigned, because of their unwillingness to impose the IMF’s terms, which would impoverish the population within months. That impoverishment would be extracted from the Ukrainian public in order to repay the IMF’s loans, which had been skimmed off by Ukraine’s oligarch billionaires into secret bank accounts in Switzerland and other tax-havens.
Two of the four parties in Ukraine’s ruling coalition have bolted, refusing those IMF terms on loan-repayment; and, so, on July 24th, Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who had been appointed by Obama’s agent Victoria Nuland, tendered his resignation, and he announced: “The fact is that today you failed to vote for the laws, and I have nothing (with which) to pay wages of policemen, doctors, teachers; nothing to buy a rifle with, nothing to fuel an armored personnel carrier with. Today you failed to take a decision to fill the gas storages to allow us to live through the winter, to at last free ourselves from dependence on Russian gas.”
As the great journalist Michel Chossudovsky, reported on July 24th, Ukraine’s figurehead President, Petro “Poroshenko believes that when sanctions [against Russia] are not working, there are grounds for appeal to the United States Congress to grant Ukraine the special status of a major ally outside NATO (like Israel, Australia, and the Philippines) to enable it to solve its security problems. (Ukrainian News, July 24, 2014, emphasis added) The granting of the ‘status of ally outside NATO’ would set the stage for the possible deployment of US and NATO forces inside Ukraine in the context of joint military operations with the Ukraine Armed Forces and National Guard.”
Consequently, there is now being promoted in Kiev “a bill foreseeing the expansion of U.S. military and technical aid.”
In other words: The government that Obama installed in February is now seeking direct U.S. support in order to continue its ethnic cleansing campaign, which is aimed at getting rid of the people who had elected the man, President Viktor Yanukovych, whom Obama’s February coup in Kiev had overthrown. The people that Obama then placed into control there are now expecting direct U.S. assistance, to complete that ethnic-cleansing campaign, which is being carried out in the ethnic-Russian portions of Ukraine, so as to eliminate the Ukrainians who would be opposing the placement into Ukraine of nuclear missiles within a mere ten-minute flight-time to annihilating Moscow.
Obama’s plan, to thus coerce Russian capitulation, seems, in other words, to be even less likely to succeed than it previously was. The proposed direct U.S. aid to Ukraine’s nazis is like a proverbial “hail Mary pass” to a U.S. President who is, himself, barely more popular here, than his stooges in Kiev are among Ukrainians. It’s an act of sheer desperation.
The continued blaming of Vladimir Putin for the consequences of Obama’s racist (anti-Russian) fascism, and for his craving a U.S. monopoly on global power, will become so untenable, that even U.S. propaganda-media — that’s virtually all of the U.S.’s euphemistically called “news” media (like those that warned hysterically about our need to eliminate “Saddam’s WMD”) — will need to start singing a different song rather soon, if only they can find a tune their gulls will enjoy hearing it sung to (and Americans seem to like almost any “patriotic” tune).
And if Democrats don’t soon demand impeachment of President Obama, then his stain upon their Party will be so bad they’ll certainly go down to defeat in November, and Obama’s final two years in office will then be spent by his signing into law legislation passed by two Republican Houses of Congress, both the Republican House and then too by a Republican Senate, very conservative legislation indeed. The available time for Democrats to renounce the fake “Democrat” Obama is short, unless they want to go down along with him, which would effectively signal the end of the Democratic Party, because no party can survive a debacle like that, one brought on entirely by itself. For Democrats not to impeach Obama would, in other words, be political suicide. But, in that case, the Democratic Party would deserve to end: it would clearly have no principles at all, no authentic reason for being.
There is no way in which it’s better for the U.S. to be ruled by two conservative parties than for it to be ruled by one conservative party. Dictatorship, by any other name, is still dictatorship, even if it’s a “multi-party dictatorship.” The people in Kiev are already learning this sort of thing, except that their choice is between four parties, two of which are fascist, and the other two of which are outright nazi, or racist-fascist. If America’s Democrats don’t learn, and apply, this understanding, and soon, that Party is over, and should be, because nothing is left of it, except “liberal” money and money-grubbers, no real progressives at all, just a bad imitation of the Republican Party: two Parties for America’s aristocracy.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.