Video Evidence Of Miraculous Healing; Reading Online Prayers Blesses Cancer Victim

This episode of The Truth Is Viral is brought to you from the hospital where Publisher Bobby Powell’s wife DeLynn is being treated for a massive blood clot related to her treatment for Stage IV Colo-rectal and Liver cancer that caused her left arm to swell tremendously.

Exactly one month ago, Bobby told his viewers that his wife had asked him not to go to the protest in Washington D.C. scheduled for 9/9/13 because she had a “bad feeling.” After prayerful consideration Bobby decided to do what his wife wanted, which happened to coincide with what God impressed on his heart, and stay home with her. It’s a good thing he did, because DeLynn was admitted to the hospital on Sunday the 8th, when Bobby would have been in Washington D.C.

As DeLynn was reading some of the thousands of prayers that viewers of The Truth Is Viral have left for her on Facebook and other venues, prayers asking Father to heal her, a miracle occurred that astonished them both.