JFK Conspiracy Fact #2: So Who Actually Pulled The Trigger? Here Are The Likely Suspects

It is my contention that each of the groups or individuals who wanted Kennedy dead had to provide their own assassin, in order that there would be mutually assured involvement, culpability and deniability. In other words, no group or individual could rat out the other because each of them had the goods on the other. They were all equally guilty, and this ensured mutual silence. Thus, LBJ, rogue CIA, Texas oilmen, the Joint Chiefs, and the Mafia (all deadly JFK enemies) hired their own gunmen for Dallas.
This is not just speculation on my part; there is hard evidence of assassins linked to each of the Kennedy-haters in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Let’s start with Malcolm Wallace, LBJ’s personal killer.

Wallace’s fingerprints were found on a box in the Texas School Book Depository on the day of the assassination. There is no innocent explanation for this. For decades, Wallace had been accused, and once convicted, of doing LBJ’s dirty work. On October 22, 1951, Wallace shot and killed John Kinser, a man who was having an affair with Josepha Johnson, Lyndon Johnson’s sister. Kinser was reportedly blackmailing LBJ, and LBJ ordered him hit. Wallace was convicted of murder, but inexplicably the judge gave him just a five-year suspended sentence. Some say LBJ pressured the judge into the light sentence.

Wallace went on to kill several LBJ enemies. After the Kennedy assassination, Wallace went to work for Ling-Temco-Vought, a Vietnam defense contractor owned by D.H. Byrd who also owned the Texas School Book Depository where Wallace’s print was lifted on November 22, 1963. Byrd was a close friend and financial supporter of LBJ. They were photographed together at University of Texas football games.

Then there’s CIA/OAS hitman Jean Souetre, who also had links to the Mafia and the international “French Connection” drug trade. Souetre, using one of his aliases–Micheal Roux–entered the U.S. on November 19, 1963, through New York, from where he traveled to Fort Worth. From there he followed JFK to Dallas on the morning of November 22. After the assassination, Souetre was expelled from the U.S.

The source for much of the information about Souetre was an Army code breaker name Eugene Dinkin. Dinkin deciphered cable traffic prior to Kennedy’s killing which stated that a known assassin named Jean Souetre would be in Dallas on November 22. Dinkin was taken into custody and hospitalized in a closed psychiatric ward where he was held for four months. Apparently the Army did not like what he had to say, and it was trying to shut him up. The cables he decoded were in the hands of the CIA before the assassination.

There is evidence to indicate that Souetre met with E. Howard Hunt in the spring of 1963 in Madrid. Madrid, at the time under the rule of fascist dictator Franco, was a hotbed of ultra right-wing activity. Ostensibly the CIA’s Hunt was recruiting Souetre for the hit on JFK. Later that spring Souetre came to the U.S. to visit General Edwin Walker just before Walker was shot at, supposedly by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Eugene Hale Brading, also known as Jim Braden, was arrested in Dealey Plaza shortly after the shooting of the president. But he was released a short time later. The day before the assassination he visited the offices of Dallas oilman Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, a fanatical right-winger and an avowed Kennedy hater. Brading/Braden admitted to being in the Dal-Tex building on the same floor where Hunt Oil kept an office. The office was vacant at the time, and its west window looked out over the parade route. It was perfect vantage point from which a killer could have shot at JFK as the motorcade turned down Elm Street.

Another man who was arrested by police, and then mysteriously released on November 22, was an Air Force sharpshooter named Jack Lawrence. Lawrence worked at a car dealership in Dallas for a short time before the assassination. In his book Crossfire author Jim Marrs writes, “Lawrence had obtained a job as a car salesman at the dealership…with job references from New Orleans that were later discovered to be phony. Lawrence never sold a car and on the day before the assassination, he had borrowed one the firm’s cars, after telling his boss he had ‘a heavy date.’ On Friday, November 22, Lawrence failed to show up for work. However, about 30 minutes after the assassination, he came hustling through the company’s showroom, pale and sweating with mud on his clothes.” For some reason Lawrence had left the company car behind and had to get a ride back to the site where he had left it–in the parking lot behind the picket fence atop the grassy knoll at the west end of Dealey Plaza. The very spot from which assassination eyewitnesses heard and saw shots fired and smoke drift out from under some trees. Lawrence may have been Curtis LeMay’s hired hit man, though no evidence directly links him to the Air Force chief of staff.

Jack Ruby had long-standing and indisputable ties with the Mafia. He also once worked on the staff of Richard Nixon. When Ruby shot Oswald on November 24, Nixon, watching it on TV, reportedly said, “Hey, I know that man.” On the day before the assassination, he was in the Hunt Oil building at about the same time that Eugene Hale Brading was.

The one guy who shot no one was the fall guy Lee Harvey Oswald. At the time of the assassination he was seen calmly sipping a Coke in the Texas School Book Depository’s 2nd-floor lunchroom.

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