Interview 791 — Jimenez/Secker/Corbett Roundtable on Greenwald, Amazon, Gamers


On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Tom Secker, James Corbett, and Guillermo Jimenez connect for the first of a (potential) series of “roundtable” discussions and future (yet to be named) supercast.

In this edition we cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from the Sibel Edmonds article(s) challenging Glenn Greenwald, Greenwald’s response, Journalist vs. Source, Amazon drones, Anonymous, the video game industry, and a whole lot more.

Feel free to contact Guillermo, James, and Tom with comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics to be discussed on the show!

For a High Quality audio download of this episode, click here (right-click, and save-as).


Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Bidders

Omidyar’s PayPal Corporation Said To Be Implicated in Withheld NSA Documents

Questions/responses for journalists linking to the Pando post — and other matters

Peter Kofod — TwitLonger

Op-Ed: Amazon distracts from working conditions with ‘drone’ talk

Xbox Live among game services targeted by US and UK spy agencies

Russian police – Get lucky cover (Daft Punk)