By Robert and Alison Bell | The indiscriminate invasion of our privacy and the related issue of six weeks’ detention without charge are so serious and far reaching that we should be hammering at the doors of our local MPs, particularly Labour MPs, to insist that these bills are overturned. Every one of us should be exercising what is still our democratic right to exert the maximum pressure on our MPs – by (to paraphrase the words of Henry Porter) bombarding them with letters and e-mails, by confronting them repeatedly at their surgeries, by contributing to blogs and phone-ins, by talking to friends and colleagues, by expressing in no uncertain terms our dismay at, and disapproval of, what is being done by Labour’s centralisers and controllers who manipulate our elected parliament, and by their data men who would invade every aspect of our lives.
If we want to find out our own MPs’ voting record on issues relating to ID cards we can do so by the simple expedient of googling “NO2ID”, following a few simple links, and typing in our post code. Mr Bevan is not alone in his just concerns. Our fear is that, because of recent reverses, Gordon Brown will be misguidedly tempted to make these bills his line in the sand as a test of public confidence in his leadership.