An American human rights activist says it is a œdisgrace” that the United States has allowed its œso-called war on terror” to continue œat the expense of international and national human rights and justice.”
As part of its so-called ˜war on terror,™ the US abducted Abu Anas al-Libi, an alleged al-Qaeda operative, on the streets of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, in broad daylight.
œI am just intrigued that the same government that funded al-Qaeda to destroy Libya” and œthe same government [that] funds and supports al-Qaeda which is fighting and killing people in Lebanon and in Syria now goes back retroactively and attack someone who may have even been in their service,” said Dr. Randy Short, with the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization, in a phone interview with Press TV on Thursday.
Al-Libi was abducted by US Special Forces on October 5 over his alleged involvement in the 1998 twin bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and is believed to be held in military custody and interrogated on board a navy ship, the USS Antonio, in the Mediterranean.
On Wednesday, the Telegraph reported that it obtained a letter from the New York public defender™s office which demanded its team be appointed to represent al-Libi, arguing there is no legal basis for holding him œoffshore” on a navy vessel.
This comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry has defended al-Libi™s abduction as œlegal” and œappropriate.”
US State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf also said on Wednesday that the Obama administration acted in compliance with œthe international laws of war, the fact that we have an ability, under international law, to self-defend.”
Meanwhile, a number of Republican lawmakers have demanded al-Libi be sent to the notorious US-run Guantanamo prison for interrogation.
Copyright: Press TV