Senior IRS official: ‘I’m not good at math’ — yeah, we know

Mike Adams
Natural News
May 11, 2013

(NaturalNews) During a conference call with reporters, senior IRS official Lois Lerner uttered words that are now reverberating across the blogosphere: “I’m not good at math.”

Don’t worry, Lois, neither is anyone else. And the less you can do math, the happier you’ll be at the IRS where, let’s face it, no two people ever come up with the same answer for any given tax return.

This utterance bubbled out of Lois’s mouth in the middle of a conference call concerning the stunning revelations that the IRS targeted conservative groups for punitive audits during the 2012 elections. Yep, when you’re not a gung-ho supporter for the socialist agenda, IRS agents just happen to come knocking on your door. The IRS apologized for the punitive targeting, but that’s hardly enough. People should be going to jail over this. This is political witch hunting at its worst.

But don’t worry. Nobody involved in this can do math, either. In fact, most journalists can’t do math and hardly any taxpayers understand math at all. If they did, they would be impeaching Obama faster than an AR-15 being raffled off at a Tea Party rally for his outrageous explosion in government debt spending that has ballooned the national debt more than all the other presidents in U.S. history… combined! See

Obama has set America on course for an apocalyptic financial blowout, but no one seems to notice because they can’t do math. After all, sixteen trillion in debt sounds a whole lot like sixteen million. It’s only one letter off. How big of a difference could that be, after all?

If you could do math, you would realize the IRS has no purpose other than social engineering

But here’s the real kicker in all this: Anyone who can do math realizes the entire “take” from taxpayers by the IRS each year is only about $1.2 trillion (this is personal income tax, not corporate). And yet, as we’ve seen over and over again, the U.S. government can conjure up a trillion dollars anytime it wants! Especially for bankster bailouts, stimulus spending or anything else it’s trying to push.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Why is this a big deal? Because it means the government doesn’t need an IRS to raise the money to fund itself. The IRS exists

This article originally appeared on : Infowars