Harry Reid Weighs In on Gun Control Debate

Harry Reid Weighs In on Gun Control Debate

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Posted on Feb 3, 2013
Harry Reid

Since President Obama put reducing gun violence high on his list of action items for his second term, members of Congress are obliged to make their own stances known on the contentious issue of gun control.

For his part, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is willing to push for more extensive background checks on would-be gun owners, but he’s maintaining a wait-and-see stance on banning assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, possibly aiming to follow the president’s lead without alienating gun-friendly Nevadans.

The Washington Post:

The Senate’s top Democrat offered fresh details Sunday about his position in the renewed debate over guns, as he endorsed expanding background checks on gun sales and promised to consider bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

“Everyone acknowledges we should do something with background checks,” Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in an interview on ABC News’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.”

[…] “I didn’t vote for the assault weapons last time because it .?.?. didn’t make sense,” Reid said. Nonetheless, Reid said he plans to “take a look” at the latest proposal. And imposing new restrictions on high-capacity magazines is “something we definitely have to take a look at,” he said.

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