Gay Group Calls For Re-Education of Phil Robertson

Suspension of Duck Dynasty star over comments not enough

Paul Joseph Watson
December 21, 2013

For the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), suspending Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty over his comments regarding homosexuality isn’t enough — now they are calling for Robertson to be re-educated.

Image: Phil Robertson (YouTube).

GLAAD was instrumental in forcing A&E’s hand in the decision to discriminate against Robertson for expressing his First Amendment right. GLAAD met with A&E representatives on Wednesday morning urging them to take action against Robertson and by the evening the Duck Dynasty star had been suspended.

While admitting that they have received an unprecedented backlash over their role in Robertson being suspended, GLADD are by no means finished. They are now calling for Robertson to be re-educated on gay issues by making him meet with homosexual families in some kind of bizarre Alcoholics Anonymous-style treatment.

“We believe the next step is to use this as an opportunity for Phil to sit down with gay families in Louisiana and learn about their lives and the values they share,” GLAAD’s vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told The Wrap.

It’s not enough for Robertson to be suspended for daring to criticize homosexuality, gay activists want him to recant in order to send a message that having a view that differs from the PC doctrine will result in re-education.

The group is also targeting companies who use Robertson as a spokesman, intimidating them into severing ties with the Duck Dynasty star.

Whether you agree or disagree with Phil Robertson’s comments is irrelevant. If we are to accept, as leftists are arguing, that controversial comments should not be allowed in the public domain, then the Bible and the Qur’an should be removed from tens of millions of churches worldwide since they both condemn homosexuality.

Openly gay feminist Camille Paglia nailed it when she stated, “In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality – as I one hundred percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious freedom there.”

A&E had a right to suspend Robertson because they are a private company and can operate as they like in a free market. However, imagine the backlash that would have ensued if a major corporation had suspended a television personality over pro-gay comments. It’s not going to happen because political correctness only protects the free speech rights of certain groups of people while discriminating against others.

The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech for all. In a truly free society, controversial opinions should be freely exchanged and debated, even if they cause offense, without the threat of reprisals.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 6:52 am

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