Anthony Gucciardi
May 10, 2013
While the government was demanding that the blueprints for the printable 3D plastic weapon known as the Liberator be removed from the internet, around 100,000 or more were quickly downloading it to their own hard drives.
And just like the previous celebrities and corporations who have demanded that an image or article be ‘removed from the internet’, this out-of-touch request will be met with the exact opposite. Even if only a few people were downloading the blueprints before they were being yanked from the official Defense Distributed website, they would still spread like wildfire through torrent websites and others. In fact, multiple alternative news websites and gun forums would (and will) most likely host the file – or at least be blasted with links in the comments.
But now, Forbes reports that more than 100,000 people in the last week have downloaded the blueprint files for the Liberator gun – a lot more than just a few.
What this means is that, no matter how hard the government tries, they will never be able to wipe away the files from the thousands who have them protected on their hard drives. Even if they shut down the web and shut down every website hosting the files, the files would still remain on the physical hard drives of those who downloaded the blueprints. In other words, they’re out of luck. And in the event that legislation or some form of regulation from the federal government is introduced to attempt a halt on the file itself, it will be absolutely ineffective at curbing the distribution and existence of the file.
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Steve Israel and Chuck Schumer are already pushing bills to add 3D print weapons to the US Undetectable Firearms Act in order to combat the popularity of the blueprints.
Despite the political uproar over the new Liberator weapon, which is the result of 8 months work and can be printed via plastic using any 3D printer that meets the requirements, we are seeing sweeping victories when it comes to gun freedom. From the recent Texas House decision to block federal gun bans from affecting Texas citizens, to the growing number of people who have realized that gun control is not the solution. Overall, it appears a few politicians who are advocates of people control (not gun control) are really quite upset over these 3D gun
This article originally appeared on : Prison Planet